As your firm grows, it will become more difficult to track the progress of each accountant that works for you and with you. Accountability is an excellent way to keep employees on task because they’ll know that their mistakes will be theirs to fix. At the same time, you need to provide support to those that are struggling in order to find out if they need a little help or if they just can’t keep up with the pace of your office.

Client management software for Quickbooks can help you more easily track the progress of individual accountants as well as teams on larger projects. This will allow you to assign the right accountants to new clients so that they always receive the best service possible.

The New Performance Review

For many years, performance reviews have been the standard for assessing the level of employees in a firm and gauging whether or not someone should be promoted. While strides have been made to keep these reviews objective, in the end one standard prevails: employees are working harder as it gets closer to review time to make up for mistakes throughout the rest of the period. Use client management software for Quickbooks to track accountant and employee progress on a regular basis instead of quarterly or annually.

By continuously tracking progress as well as client satisfaction, accountants have a reason to always be on point. Using the tools available from Quickbooks and Quickbooks Online (QBO), accountants and employees can check their own progress to see the same information that managers are seeing. Everyone is held accountable and it gives them an effective way to prevent themselves from falling behind.

The Problem With Alternative Methods

There are ways to manage client profiles and information that don’t involve new software or learning Quickbooks but these alternative methods won’t give you the tools to track performance or effectively manage large client lists. As your business grows, these methods of client management will always fall short of the tools available with QBO and integrative client management software for Quickbooks.

While installing new software and spending extra money can seem like a real hassle, the end result doesn’t disappoint. You can’t be angry with the accountants and employees for dropping the ball when they never had the correct resources in the first place. The right software might cost you some money but it’s the best way to hold everyone accountable and give them the best chance to satisfy clients.

Project Management for Large Clients

As a small business, it may seem impossible to be able to pick up large or corporate clients. You fear that you won’t have the resources to compete with other firms or that the clients will be too difficult for your team to manage. Client management software for Quickbooks lets you assign the best accountants to these clients so that your firm can compete with the big leagues. These clients have more potential for specific demands and more important attention to detail.

QBO and other tools give partners and managers the means to track the project at every step so that your firm not only stays in competition for corporate clients but also mistakes are prevented before they ever happen. You might even find that your small firm, with these tools, has the potential to be even better than the corporate competition because this tracking information allows for more personalized contact with clients no matter how large they are.

Did you know Jetpack now fully integrates client management software with Quickbooks Online? Click here to start a free trial

See Jetpack Workflow In Action

Get under the hood of Jetpack Workflow’s accounting workflow and project management platform. See some of the top features and how it helps your firm standardize, automate, and track client work more efficiently.