Upgrade In Communication

The practices of conducting business between firms in different locations have changed dramatically over the past century or so, from having to travel hundreds of miles to deliver a message, to having to call a person on the telephone, to being able to instantly send them an e-mail or text message, to the present where we can talk to a person face to face with the tools of current technology.

This upgrade in communication makes firm management for accountants across multiple firms a lot simpler and more efficient. Learn about how you can conduct business with firms in several different locations without sacrificing the personal touches of face-to-face contact.

  1. How Do You Travel?

If you’re someone who is responsible for managing several firms at once, there’s a good chance you have to travel to see each operation in person every once in awhile. The questions you find yourself asking each time are usually about the time you have to spend and money it will cost to travel, as well as the amount of work you can actually accomplish by doing so.

Firm management for accountant can provide the necessary tools to cut the amount of trips you’ll have to make by generating reports that show you what’s happening without having to make a trip. You can keep track of the information you need and use that to decide if and when you need to visit in person.

  1. Client Communication

Keeping up with clients is one of the most important parts of running a business. You can get read a million profit and loss statements and still not be completely sure that your clients are happy and that’s why it’s important to touch base with them personally on a regular basis.

Improved firm management for accountants allows you to set reminders and task lists to make sure that you and your partners are talking to your clients. Running several firms in different locations makes this a little more complicated and improved management ensures the best efficiency when it comes to client communication.

  1. Utilize Your Internet Presence

Social media and e-mail platforms are not just for funny pictures and marketing campaigns. You can create a specific area of your website for your partners and employees that includes videos and training seminars for them to use whenever they need a refresher course. When you give people the right tools, firm management for accountants flows a lot smoother and that makes every part of your business run well.

  1. Strategic Schedules

There are a lot of key employees that deserve recognition when you run several firms successfully in different locations. The best way to make sure that all of their skills are utilized across each location is to schedule them strategically.

Watch the trends in business and use good firm management for accountants to judge where to place each person and when. The communication tools available to you with the right software will allow you to make sure that everyone knows where they’re supposed to be in order to keep every part of each firm running as you’d like it to operate.

Teamwork Among Leaders
The best firm management for accountants happens when all the people in leadership roles at your different locations are on the same page. Use video messages, group e-mails, task lists, and reminders to make sure that every leader is working from the same schedule and the same plan. A little bit of organization in this respect will go a long way to save you worry in the future!

See Jetpack Worflow In Action

Get under the hood of Jetpack Workflow’s accounting workflow and project management platform. See some of the top features and how it helps your firm standardize, automate, and track client work more efficiently.

Dustin Hostetler, previously the Principal at Flowtivity and current Director of Lean Six Sigma Consulting at Boomer Consulting will show you how to increase productivity in your accounting firm.

He’s been a lean six sigma black belt for over 13 years and continues to consult with firms like yours.

In this episode of the Growing Your Firm Podcast by Jetpack Workflow Software, David Cristello and Dustin Hostetler discuss:
+ How to apply lean six sigma to your firm or practice
+ The proper structure for reviewing and optimizing workflow and processes
+ Common workflow mistakes firm owners make
and much, much more!

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Boomer Consulting
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Create a tech ecosystem and automate your firm

What is Lean Six Sigma?

Dustin Hostetler, Chief Innovation Officer of Boomer Consulting, started his career actually as a financial analyst at Cardinal Health. He had graduated with a finance degree and spent two years at the company rotating through different roles trying to find his passion. In 2005, he joined with a Top 100 regional accounting firm as they needed a consultant, and that’s what Dustin was looking to do. In 2006, he got his lean six sigma black belt and started implementing the practice into one of the satellites of his company. After one busy season, senior staff members said it was the “best busy season ever” thanks to the lean six sigma practices implemented thanks to Dustin.

That brings us to the million-dollar question: “What is lean six sigma actually?” 

Lean six sigma focuses on optimizing client value. The process finds and reduces waste. Waste = redundancies, duplications, anything that doesn’t provide value. It then improves the processes to further optimize value.

Bottom-line…efficiency + quality in your firm.

How to Start Implementing Lean Six Sigma?

Before Dustin does any sort of tinkering, he has to go through two major processes.

First, he works to get ‘buy-in’ from partners. The firm must be ready to make a massive change. They can’t be looking for the ‘flavor of the month’ fix, they need to be ready to make a move. Lean six sigma is a full-on cultural change. In order to proceed, Dustin must see some sort of level of commitment from the firm, not to mention, get a notion they are excited about the change.

Second, they must start with a specific area of their firm. To do that, Dustin must be allowed to present a half-day to a full-day seminar on the subject. This isn’t a lecture series, but rather a collection of interactive demonstrations and discussions built around your team. One event is building legos where you pretend the lego shape you’re trying to build is a tax return. You go through each person who touches the process and it really lets you see how people work and think.

The big part is the discussion with each other. Henry Ford famously said, “No one knows the work better than the people doing the work, so let’s ask them.” Break up into groups: associates with senior associates, managers with senior managers, partners with senior partners, and administrative staff. Get them all into a comfortable environment, learn where the opportunities are. This is the key.

Let each person speak freely in their groups. Really run through the current processes of the firm and vocalize it to every group so each person can see the big picture of each person’s role. The key is for everyone to see what each person is doing so they can fully understand the importance of a team working together.

DAVID’S TIP:While talking with an executive at IBM, the executive mentioned as the IBM team grew, the cracks in the awareness formed. You’d hear “I didn’t know Sally did this and that.” When you understand other’s responsibilities, you’re able to work together and be willing to do things a certain way because you’re helping others.

The 5 Steps to Implement Lean Six Sigma: 

The 5 steps to implement lean six sigma are simple. A few we’ve already touched on. Here’s all five:

  • Define
  • Measure
  • Analyze
  • Improve
  • Control

Define is getting in groups, as mentioned, and going through processes and workflows to find opportunities. It’s getting on the same page, defining the scopes, goals, and objections. Dustin recommends practicing the “5 WHYs” when discussing and looking for opportunities. Like a 5-year old asks “why”, you want to ask “why” about everything you and every team member does. It uncovers if something is important or fluff.

Measure means to map out the current processes, perhaps through a flow chart. Don’t go off what is ‘documented’ but what is actually done. Some honesty is required. For a tax return, map out in a flowchart how it goes from engagement to executing to finishing. See where the opportunities to expand or trim are.

Analyze looks at everything you discussed and measured and have an honest discussion about what needs to change. This is where conflict and slowdown can occur. If possible, start with deciding on changing one thing at a time if that’s what’s needed.

Improve has you looking at “what needs to change?” and beginning to implement. Let team members get adjusted to new workflows and processes. Work out the kinks here.

Control keeps a tight leash on your new implementations. When everyone can understand “why this new workflow is better than the old one” you get buy-in and excitement from the team.

To keep everyone accountable, Dustin recommends the leaders of the lean six sigma implementation should meet at least twice per year if not more. They should debrief on busy seasons and where processes messed up. Then, later in the year, have a get-together on refreshing everyone on the new processes. If team members start following back to old habits, it will be all for naught.

Common Mistakes When Implementing Lean Six Sigma:

There are a few common mistakes Dustin highlights that firms commit.

First, some partners go right to ‘improve’ in the 5 steps. They skip the first four steps perhaps because they just saw a new software or heard about a new product. The 5 steps are there to identify what improvements need to be made and are best for the team. Plus, it builds buy-in and support when the entire team addresses issues and goes through them. Going right to “improve” is hasty and typically results in bad execution and efforts that fizzle out.

Second, team members can fall into the trap of implementing ‘a la carte’ changes. They pick and choose what they want to change and what to keep. This is an “I” mindset not a team mindset. The lean six sigma process is to develop strong, efficient, profitable teams, not individual islands.

In the end, you’re trying to gain results. Those results should be faster workflow, more efficient processes, higher realization rates, and better profits. Also, your team develops better, you have more leverage overwork, and it utilizes the talents of your team the best.

If you have a question about lean six sigma, head over to Boomer Consulting and drop a note to Dustin.

See Jetpack Worflow In Action

Get under the hood of Jetpack Workflow’s accounting workflow and project management platform. See some of the top features and how it helps your firm standardize, automate, and track client work more efficiently.
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Introducing a new application can be challenging, especially if your team is less than tech savvy (or inclined).
Even those that do “get” new technology, helping them see the benefit of the application isn’t always clear.
Here are a few things to remember when working with your team on adopting a new application:

How does the new application fit with the vision of the firm?

When implementing a new decision, it’s important to tie it to something bigger than just that individual decision, whether it’s a decision around technology, firm management, hiring, etc.

In this case, let’s talk about new technology adoption. If your vision is to provide high quality, consistent, empathetic accounting & tax services to Pittsburgh-based SMB’s, so that they become more profitability and leave a bigger impact in the community, then this vision needs to be at the forefront of the firm. When new team members are onboarded, it’s what they hear. If you don’t have a vision, mission, and core values, we highly recommend working with your team to create them. These also inform your hiring decisions, and new team members agree that the mission, vision, and values are important to them as well.

So when you are ready to implement a new tool, you mention how this individual decision and application will help you achieve the firm vision. This helps your team understand WHY this decision has been made. Once they can better understand the context of the decision, the easier it is for them to adopt it.

Who is the internal champion?

In a typically firm, not all team members are equal. Some are more eager to adopt new tech, others are not. Your job is to find the internal, tech champion. You can even give them an internal role of helping with the selection, due diligence, and roll out process.

The goal is that you need a staff or team members that can see the benefit and communicate it with the team, along with you. You’re not going to be “in the trenches” all the time with your team, but having someone internally assist you with the decision is critical, as team questions and concerns are bound to come up (but not always communicated to you).

What were obstacles that came up in the past?

Finally, chances are if the team is resistant to the change, it is likely that a similar decision (at least in their mind), was made in the past and they feel that this is going to have the same outcome. Address their concerns, and talk about why this adoption should be different. If you felt the training was inadequate, work with your solution provider to schedule more team training. If you thought the team didn’t have access to support, let your service provider know. They should be willing to work with you through these issues and help ensure your firm is successful in the adoption of the new application.

See Jetpack Worflow In Action

Get under the hood of Jetpack Workflow’s accounting workflow and project management platform. See some of the top features and how it helps your firm standardize, automate, and track client work more efficiently.

In a veterinary practice, your clients aren’t all able to tell you their information or what’s wrong. Animals have their own language and sometimes you have to rely on tests and medical history to find out what you need. This makes organizing clients a little more difficult than other businesses.

Use client management software for accountants to reacquaint yourself with all of your clients so you can understand where the gaps are and if you need to fill them in. You’ll better be able to service your patients and their owners, which gives you the reputation for higher excellence that your clients want to see when choosing a caretaker for their beloved pets.

  1. Always Improving

The clients you currently have will keep coming back for the impeccable care you give their pets but if you’re always improving, they’ll have reasons to tell their friends and brag about their experience. Build a better business by using client management software for accountants to keep detailed records about the animals for which you care. That attention to detail is what builds trust with your clients, helps you retain them, and brings in new business all the time.

  1. Interoffice Communication

If there is more than one veterinarian working at your practice, interoffice communication about patients and their owners is imperative for the kind of care you hope to provide. Client management software for accountants allows each veterinarian in the office access to client information so they won’t ever have to ask extra questions or make assumptions about the patients. The owners will feel more comfortable knowing that whichever veterinarian at your office is treating their pet will be able to do so with the utmost sensitivity.

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Some pets may need to stay overnight or have to come in for several visits to treat a chronic or long-term condition. In these cases, it will be tough for the owners to leave their pets. Client management software for accountants lets you enjoy a more fluid operation by keeping the details you need at hand to treat these long-term patients without extra work during each visit. Your clients will be able to rest assured that their pets are being taken care of when they have to leave them with you for long treatments or surgeries.

  1. Internet Presence

No matter what kind of company you have, it’s a good idea to maintain a presence on the internet. Use social media to connect with your clients and remind them that you appreciate their business and love their pets. Ask clients if you can post pictures of them with their pets and add pictures of you and your staff welcoming anyone who want to try your services with bright smiles on your faces.

Keep in Touch

Caring for your patients includes caring for their owners! You’ll have some clients who only come in for annual vaccines and checkups so throughout the rest of the year, you should keep in touch. Client management software for accountants lets you set reminders and keep a schedule that helps you keep in touch with clients. A thank you card after a visit, holiday message, and/or appointment reminders are a few ways that you can keep in touch with your clients without being pushy. Create an e-mail list or invite them to join your social media pages for an extra touch that makes you stand out amongst the competition.

See Jetpack Worflow In Action

Get under the hood of Jetpack Workflow’s accounting workflow and project management platform. See some of the top features and how it helps your firm standardize, automate, and track client work more efficiently.

Blake Oliver, once the CEO and Co-Founder of Cloudsourced Accounting, reveals how to get acquired in under 36 months based on his story.

Blake actually wanted to be a professional cellist, and instead went on to sell his accounting firm. This is an interesting story you won’t want to miss.
On this episode of the Growing Your Firm Podcast by Jetpack Workflow Software, David Cristello and Blake Oliver discuss:

  • How Blake landed his first few clients which helps show you how to get acquired
  • Challenges he faced while the team was growing
  • How to managed client workflow and team communication

and much, much more!

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How to Get Clients i.e. the fastest steps to how to get acquired

Blake Oliver, once the CEO and Co-founder of Cloudbased Accounting, didn’t go the traditional route. He wanted to be a musician and even majored in that arena. Then, to make a little money, he started working in a music store. While there, he happened to become the one to use Quickbooks and do the bookkeeping. He picked it up quick and each of his jobs going forward he managed to snag the bookkeeping gig there too.

He didn’t know it when he started, but he realized he enjoyed keeping the books. He started delving into the software and the apps out there. So, he decided to go back to school and get his CPA. While in school (again), he needed to make ends meet so he did some bookkeeping on the side. Quickly, he became frustrated with the software inefficiencies including having to drive to each client to use their desktop Quickbooks. Things were moving too slow for him!

That’s when he stumbled upon Xero and other cloud-based apps like Bills.com, etc. He found himself to be an advocate for Xero in their early days, and that translated to

Blake being featured as 1 of only 2 Xero bookkeepers in the country. As you can imagine, a sea of new clients flooded his door.

With all this new work, he dropped out of getting his CPA, found an old classmate on a similar accounting path, and launched Cloudbased Accounting.

Now, you might read this and think “oh, well I wish I was an early user of Xero.”

There are these type of opportunities all the time. Blake simply lays out the formula:

  1. Understand the pains of the industry and actively search for new software solutions
  2. Become an advocate for that plugin, add-on, enterprise software, whatever it is

These new tech companies are desperate for some attention. They’d happily feature you if you’re signing up new clients for them. 

DAVID’S TIP: Think about how you can become a first mover in the industry. Maybe it’s a technology, maybe it’s a new strategy. Where can you beat the pack? If you can get out in front, that will put you and your firm on the radar of dozens of new prospects.

Blake recommends looking at Xero add-ons and becoming an advocate for those companies. He’s doing that right now with his current company and it’s working.

The Growing Pains and Struggles of Building a Firm

If you plan on knowing how to get acquired in under 36 months, just know it’s no cake walk. Blake describes the fast influx of clients as “like building a boat while trying to row the boat.” It’s not easy at all. Yet, too many firms get complacent and sit on their hands while innovation takes over the industry. These innovations are where new clients can come from. 

To build his firm, Blake recommends getting a co-founder. Preferably, someone who complements your skill set, not someone with the same skillset. As mentioned before, there were so many clients coming inbound from Xero and his advocacy efforts that he had to grow quickly to capture the opportunity. He was onboarding clients while implementing new systems, then also hiring on top of that.

His team grew so fast, they got to a dozen people in under 24 months. That’s about one new hire every other month.

If you’re curious about the hiring process, it was rapid fire. Blake says they made plenty of bad hires, including hiring accountants with too many years of experience. These years of experience translated into someone stubborn to learn new things. Blake found fresh, inexperienced college graduates to be best due to their flexibility in learning. Plus, they also knew and understood technology better. 

The best recruits didn’t come from job boards. Actually, the best came from recommendations from team members. That makes sense. A person comes in recommended which means they’re already vetted beforehand.

How to Manage Client Workflow and Communication:

For communications within the firm, they use Slack.com. They have multiple channels where they discuss the different issues. Each client has their one accountant that is their ‘go-to.’ Say the accountant has a tech question. They simply open up the ‘tech channel’ in Slack, drop in their question and wait for the rest of the team to respond. The accountant then relays the answer back to the client. Much easier than the client having to juggle multiple team members. Keep it simple.

Today, they still get a lot of Xero leads through the new company he works with. Although, he expects Xero to make changes to location-based algorithms and thus will give up-and-coming Xero bookkeepers an opportunity to secure new clients.

He recommends to get a steady stream of clients to go all-in on being an advocate for the technologies you use. Then, reach out to those technologies and let them know what you’re doing. Those can lead to features which could lead to clients which could let to the first steps to how to get acquired. 

The Positions in Your Firm That Will Be DEAD in the Coming Years: 

Blake sees accounting moving to a more ‘client services’ destination. Bookkeepers will go by the wayside as manual entries will be gone. Also, he sees technical firms who just do compliance to fold up shop.


Because clients today want a one-stop-shop for all their financial needs. They don’t want a bookkeeper in one company, a CFO in another, and a compliance person in another, then a wealth manager.

Blake believes you should have the mindset of: “Everything my client needs financially, I want to be the first call they make.” 

Technology, as mentioned, is on the rise. Clients need more firms knowing about these technologies and putting them to work. When Blake started automating his bookkeeping and accounting, he didn’t lower his fee. Instead, he found new ways to help his clients. That’s what the clients out there expect now.

Blake learned all this fast, and he had to. But, those are the steps he took and the ones you can take if you’re looking for how to get acquired fast.

See Jetpack Worflow In Action

Get under the hood of Jetpack Workflow’s accounting workflow and project management platform. See some of the top features and how it helps your firm standardize, automate, and track client work more efficiently.
One on one communication

african woman signing employment contractCommunication is a key point to making every business endeavor a success. When your business begins to grow, the one on one side of communication can often degrade with the added employee numbers and the multitude of responsibilities that each manager has to take on. Don’t let communication suffer just because you’re busy, though, and encourage the rest of your colleagues and partners to do the same. Workflow software for accountants can give you tools for clear one on one communication that fits into even the most packed schedules. Learn how you can open the lines of communication without letting your own responsibilities suffer and show the other higher ups in your business how to follow your lead.

  1. Locate Problem Areas

A weak spot in your business could be communication and while this does fall under your responsibilities, it’s not all up to you. The employees and clients have to do their part as well and if you don’t know enough about how they operate and what they need, you won’t know where the problems are. Find out where the weak spots are in the lines of communication and then build from there to make sure those things don’t happen again. Take the time to do this now and you’ll find that it takes a lot less work to maintain in the future.

  1. Create Communication Schedules

Workflow software for accountants can generate reports that show you progress about several areas of your business as well as the employees that operate them. Schedule meetings to keep things on track according to when these reports come to you. It could be weekly, monthly, or daily if the situation warrants it. Employees instead of managers can execute every project well if you use these reports to see what’s happening as they work. Enjoy a more fluid operation by delegating responsibilities and creating communication schedules that allow you to bring up any issues as they come along.

  1. Utilize Remote Capabilities

You don’t have to be in the same room as each employee while they are updating you on their progress. An interoffice communication system can improve the way things work exponentially. Workflow software for accountants lets you see when and if employees have read messages you’ve sent. You can also set reminders about specific tasks and create task lists for each project. If your employees have questions, remote capabilities allow open lines of communication to get answers as soon as possible.

  1. Face-to-Face Communication

The walls of your offices can be transparent if you let them. If you’re busy with clients and partners a lot of the time, set office hours for your employees where they can come to see you if they need help or have an issue that needs discussing. You can also try an e-mail program with a special subject line like “office hours” or the project name and “needs help” instead of marking things in terms of urgency. These details assist you in setting priorities and give your employees clarity about how they should communicate with you, other partners, and managers.

Predicting New Problems

Using workflow software for accountants to open better lines of communication is a step that will help you to predict new issues that may arise in the future. Your employees can be the first responders for these issues and with better communication between you and them, you’ll be able to find and solve problems before they ever happen. Your clients will be happier and your employees more motivated.

See Jetpack Worflow In Action

Get under the hood of Jetpack Workflow’s accounting workflow and project management platform. See some of the top features and how it helps your firm standardize, automate, and track client work more efficiently.