

  • Five core questions to get you ready for 2023





As we march closer to the end of 2022, we need to start thinking about what we want to bring to the table for 2023. Let’s face it–we’re not all perfect. We’ve made some mistakes this year, but we prevailed and changed what needed to be changed. We’re constantly adapting and bettering our firms, one day at a time. 


We’ve also made exceptional progress and produced innovative ideas for our firms. 


Now, it’s time to reflect on what we’ve done and see how we can edit, change, improve, or keep working on different ideas within our firm as 2023 inches closer.


In this solocast, founder and CEO of Jetpack Workflow, David Cristello, offers five questions to ask yourself as you prepare for next year. 


Some of these questions will spark mental gymnastics or already seem usual to you. Each question should challenge you to think outside the box and focus on your dedication to your firm.


Five Core Questions to Get You Ready for 2023


  1. If you had to build a competitor that was going to kill your core business, what would that competitor do?


What would the competitor do differently? Where would they find your weaknesses? How would they gain new or upsale your current clients?


Even though this prompt is intimidating, the question is great to ask in groups or teams. Break out into small teams of two or three and brainstorm what this imagined competitor would do. Then, bring it back to the table.


Sometimes, the answers you’ll hear aren’t surprising. In fact, they’re clarifying and help you understand where your vulnerabilities in your firm lie. The “To Kill a Company” exercise will help you find weaknesses in your firm.


  1. If someone bought your firm today and took it over, what would they immediately start doing differently? 


You might imagine selling your firm when you feel frustrated or burnt out. Well, let’s imagine that–a new CEO walks in and takes over your firm. What would they do differently?


 If you come up with answers to that question, ask this question: What is stopping you from doing that today? In other words, are you limiting yourself?


Are you thinking about several different opportunities that would enhance the worth of your firm? If so, why are you not taking these on? In this exercise, you might envision a new CEO taking these opportunities–when, really, you should be!


This question is a great prompt to answer with your clients, team, or, overall, across the board. You all have the chance to look through your firm’s current structure, workflow, and processes. Asking this question will enable you to open yourself to new opportunities for your firm. 


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  1. If you had to absolutely increase your prices by a multiple ten, what would have to be done to justify your new price?

For example, you’re charging $1,000 a year–what would happen if you increased your price to $10,000 a year? What would have to change? 

You’d have to look over:

  • Your service offering
  • Your mix
  • Your value proposition
  • The outcomes you’re delivering
  • How you’re working with clients

David recommends getting everyone involved in this exercise. What is the market opportunity? What are you seeing on the front lines? If you have a big team, small team, or just yourself, this exercise will help you think about the value proposition of your service.

You need to think about what result you’d deliver that would justify that 10x price. When changing your prices, are you thinking about how you would make the new change justifiable for your best clients? 

Your team will be able to dream up different scenarios and answers to this prompt. In the end, you and your team should consider how these new prices would be justifiable to your key clients.

  1. What am I compromising on in my business because I want a quick win?

For this question, David takes inspiration from Keith Cunningham’s book, The Road Less Stupid. In this book, Keith reflects on what questions he could have asked to avoid the biggest mistakes he made throughout his career. 

You can answer this question yourself or with a partner. Take some time with this one. David went through 200+ interviews with operators trying to thrive in today’s marketplace. Some of the common topics were that they refused to turn down any clients.

Accepting all clients equates to client growth, but decreasing profit. This method is not positively serving your business. You may want a lot of clients to seem like a more busy and important firm–but you have to think about the other factors that go along with having too many clients.

  1. What decisions am I not making?

Again, David uses this question from Keith’s book. Reflecting on this question is key. Look back at everything you’ve done this year. Think to yourself, what am I fulfilling with my decision-making?

Think about this question with your team, leadership, or yourself. Use this prompt as a springboard to start thinking about the fundamental strategic things you need to do for the new year. Right now is the perfect time to answer this question–that way 2023 is a successful year for you and your firm.

2023 is not for another four months, but now is a good time to think about what you could do differently to uplevel your firm. 

David’s questions are sure to help you consider different possibilities and opportunities that will bring success to your firm.

Think about these questions more by listening to the full solocast above! 

If you found David’s prompts helpful, leave a review and share this with a fellow firm owner who may find this helpful!

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