Meet Clee Landry

Clee Landry is the Accounting Manager at Southern Payroll and Benefits. The goal of the firm is to serve small businesses, primarily in the Chattanooga, TN area. Their clients typically have between 1 and 49 employees, come from various industries, and are local, community-based small businesses. In this special-edition firm profile, Clee explains how Southern Payroll and Benefits appeals to clients, generates a client base, and keeps tabs on the team. 

Appealing to Clients

Clee and Southern Payroll and Benefits have experienced plenty of growth as of late, gaining roughly one new client every 10 days. What typically draws them in is an offer they can’t refuse: free onboarding for their payroll service, Gusto. Along with the discount, this payroll system keeps costs low and is the perfect option for small businesses. 

Clee realizes their ideal clients are usually doing what they can to save as much money as possible. Larger companies make their clients pay these onboarding fees, and she believes the free offer is part of the reason why they have earned so many clients.

Generating a Client Base

Before Clee and her team even make the pitch of free onboarding for new clients, they are catching their attention through social media

By actively communicating with their community on Facebook (through groups and ads), Instagram, and LinkedIn, they have created valuable community connections. These connections have led to multiple clients and referrals. 

Clee says they work hard to be authentic online. They have a team member who is incredibly active in groups and will send other team members posts and questions for them to comment on. This keeps variety and helps the community see they’re real people working together as a team to serve them as best they can.

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When someone posts a question on an online forum, they’re quick to reply. She says the people asking are typically the people who need their services. Clee also credits referrals via comments to a portion of their success. When someone tags them asking for help, they DM the person to get more information, which often leads to some form of a consult, whether it’s via phone call, video chat, or in-person meeting. 

Clee tries to meet her clients where they’re at, from the initial meeting to services required, and even in payment. They offer flexible pricing, 50% upfront, and 50% after service to some of their clients because they know it’s not always easy to pay for these kinds of services. 

Keeping Tabs on the Team

As Accounting Manager, Clee likes to focus on two things: her clients and her team. She says communication is key both internally and externally. She tries her hardest to keep her eyes and ears open, make no assumptions, and ask plenty of questions so she can serve clients and her team as best as possible. 

Through daily meetings and an open-door policy, Clee is happy to say she doesn’t have to try very hard to make sure her team is keeping their clients happy. Their open style of communication keeps everyone engaged. 

Through a unique way of appealing to clients, utilizing social media, and keeping tabs on her team, Clee has helped Southern Payroll and Benefits grow to new heights!

Connecting with Clee

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