A bookkeeper’s job is relies on tracking profits and losses with precise management, seamlessly knowing which clients owe what and when it’s due as well as posting payments to others.

The system must remain in balance in order for the business (or businesses) being serviced to operate well. CRM for bookkeepers is extremely important in this respect as it helps bookkeepers to track each client’s debits and credits with impeccable precision.

Clean Up Your Systems

You don’t always have to make major changes in the way you do things to make improvements but better software for managing your clients makes CRM for bookkeepers a lot simpler. Start by cleaning up the systems you already use so that a change isn’t a trauma from which you’ll have to recover.

Look at the clients you already have, the ones that have been around for a long time and the ones that are newer, and ask yourself if there’s anything you can do to make those relationships better. Are you meeting all of your clients’ needs? Have any complaints been logged about your service? The tiniest discrepancy can become the only thing your clients remember even if the rest of your service is excellent.

Repair Neglected Relationships

It’s a common issue that long time clients can become neglected due to complacency. CRM for bookkeepers is not only about new clients but also refers to maintaining old relationships with loyal clients. Look back at your relationships with long time clients and ask yourself if they’ve become entries in your log books or if they’re real people about whom you know details that allow you to have conversations when they come in for a meeting.

When you know more about your clients, you can better keep track of the profit and loss entries concerning each one. The personal details may not always seem relevant but they can help you maintain efficiency in ways you never realized. For instance, if a client has a big family, you might know that they’ll have some cash flow issues around the holidays. This is one of many examples about how small personal details can help you do business better.

Build New Relationships

Once your current client relationships are strong and your systems have been cleaned up, it’s time to build new relationships and expand your client list. CRM for bookkeepers is the way you balance these new relationships with the ones you’ve already built. Bring in new people but don’t forget about the clients that have been loyal to you in the past. These people are the ones that can help you gain clients that build your business by providing testimonies about your efficiency and attention to detail.

The new clients will have reasons to trust you even though they’ve never worked with you before. As you build relationships with these clients, keep them in the systems you’ve created to manage clients so you’ll always know where they belong in your books and how to handle them.

Look Forward

Now your bookkeeping business is operating with pristine efficiency and CRM for bookkeepers is the norm in your office. Keep a positive environment in the office by rewarding those who use the systems correctly and maintain good relationships with clients. Track profits and losses of all the people on your team and catch discrepancies before they become real problems. These practices allow you to continue looking forward and build your business even further.

Improve Client Service All Around

Your clients don’t want to worry about the books you keep. Good CRM for bookkeepers means letting them know that things are working without boring them about the specifics. Some people want to hear about every detail, some of them want a general report and some want a middle ground. Learn about your clients and what they really want and you’ll always be able to talk to them with ease and make sure they are receiving the service they expect, or better.


See Jetpack Worflow In Action

Get under the hood of Jetpack Workflow’s accounting workflow and project management platform. See some of the top features and how it helps your firm standardize, automate, and track client work more efficiently.
Completion vs. Due Date

This week we’re excited to release two brand new updates inside of Jetpack Workflow.

Archives Update: 

The first update includes the archive section, where you can now track ‘completion/done’ date vs target date out or due date.

Much like all the other columns inside of Jetpack Workflow, you can also sort by this column. Furthermore, you can batch sort. For example: You can filter by ‘due date’, then ‘done date’, and compare the target vs actual. You can also use the filtering option to select ‘completed within last week’, and track the progress and turnaround from the week or month!

Done in Archive

Task Update: 

Also, you can now export any task view you create. For those that live inside of the task tab, this update is for you!

Whether you’re running to a meeting, going ‘offline’, or just want to run a quick report, this features allows you to download any task view that you see.
Task View

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See Jetpack Worflow In Action

Get under the hood of Jetpack Workflow’s accounting workflow and project management platform. See some of the top features and how it helps your firm standardize, automate, and track client work more efficiently.

Building a new business starts with building a client list and this is where CRM for CPA firms can get you started the right way so you can build the best foundation to move forward.

As you bring in new accountants and more clients, you have to ensure that those relationships are managed correctly and each client gets what they came for with reasons to keep coming back. Learn how you can teach the accountants in your firm how to maintain good relationships with their clients and manage every one of them seamlessly.

Bring in New Clients

That first meeting is your first impression and it should be the one that wows the client and lets them see that you can deliver what they need and handle whatever they happen to bring your way. There is such a thing as overdoing it, though, and that delicate balance is one that must be established in this initial meeting.

Make the client comfortable, provide refreshments, and allow them to talk to you about what they need before you start in about what you can offer. Try to avoid questionnaires or forms during this initial meeting. You can fill in that information at the end of the meeting or give the client the paperwork to do at their leisure.

Maintain Contact

Obtaining information and confirming appointments are easy ways to keep in touch with your clients but you also want to make them feel like they matter to you and your firm, especially with a new business. Send holiday greetings, newsletters about what your firm is doing, and personal greetings like birthday wishes and simple “how are you?” e-mails during times when an accountant will be needed like at tax season.

CRM for CPA firms is important when building and maintaining this relationship. The right software for client management will give you tools to easily keep track of each relationship, who is maintaining it, and if the relationship needs extra work.

Learn the Details

There will be some clients that have special accounting needs and they need to know that those needs will be met in order to keep their own peace of mind. In these cases, it is a good idea to update them when you do things unless otherwise indicated. They’ll know that their business is taken care of and that they can trust you whether you’ve been in business for a few weeks or a few decades.

Utilize Social Media

All new businesses should make use of social media platforms to advertise their firms but CRM for CPA firms is made much simpler when you can interact with your clients one on one via social media as well as use the tools involved to advertise. You can post articles during tax time and other times when accounting is necessary and tag the clients that will find these things interesting.


Comment their posts, like what they write, and show genuine interest in them as more than just clients. They’ll appreciate the attention to detail and when they have accounting needs, they’ll be sure to think of you first.

Create Effective Schedules
Building a business and gaining a large and diverse client lists means that you have many appointments that must accommodate all kinds of schedules. CRM for CPA firms is the way you manage client relationships, learn the details you need, and create effective schedules that work for everyone involved. You won’t have to worry about double booking or accountants in your firm missing meetings when you manage relationships correctly and schedule accordingly.

Track Client Relationships

When your business grows, you’ll add new accountants to your firm and they’ll bring in more clients. In order to make sure that your client list is never messy, use the practices CRM for CPA firms to track client relationships among new and seasoned accountants to ensure you know what’s going on at your firm. Use positive reinforcement when accountants bring in new business and when they bring back clients who have been in before. Repeat business is what will keep your firm flourishing and that should be rewarded!


See Jetpack Worflow In Action

Get under the hood of Jetpack Workflow’s accounting workflow and project management platform. See some of the top features and how it helps your firm standardize, automate, and track client work more efficiently.

As most of you are probably aware, keeping a team member smiling can honestly feel like a full-time job.

From juggling the office drama, to trying to implement more flexibility options, it’s hard to define what it will take to motivate your accounting staff, especially during the critical times of the year (i.e. busy/tax season).

Then, on top of it all, I bet you have tried to implement incentive bonuses, additional PTO and maybe even sprinkle in a Happy Hour or two, just to keep employees from disappearing behind their computers.

But your employees are still not happy and what’s worse? Motivation is beginning to steadily decline.

Although this might run through your head, my guess is that it’s not the time to hang up your hat and sell your practice. Or give up on hiring the “so-called” selfish and entitled millennials altogether.

Instead, think outside of the cubicle and try implementing a fresh new set of motivation tactics. To get you started, here are 4 surprising (and creative) ways to motivate your accounting staff.

Let’s dive in.

Tactic #1: Encourage & Emphasize “Small Wins”

“Harvard’s Teresa Amabile’s research found that nothing is more motivating than progress in meaningful work and nothing more taxing than setbacks.”
We’ve all been there. Put our blood, sweat, and tears into a project only to get it rejected by someone who thought it was a “silly” idea. At times, this can feel soul-crushing and make you want to just call it quits. Or, on the other hand, feel like you are drowning in your work, and never getting ahead with the constant emails, phone calls and management trying to understand why the budget is over its hours.

We all need small wins to help us get through the day. Tiny congrats for knocking out a small project, or checking off a never-ending to-do list can provide the foundation to ignite joy back into the workplace.

Here is an additional insight into Teresa’s findings:

“This pattern is what we call the progress principle: of all the positive events that influence inner work life, the single most powerful is progress in meaningful work; of all the negative events, the single most powerful is the opposite of progress—setbacks in the work.’

‘We consider this to be a fundamental management principle: facilitating progress is the most effective way for managers to influence inner work life. Even when progress happens in small steps, a person’s sense of steady forward movement toward an important goal can make all the difference between a great day and a terrible one.”
Teresa’s  insight of invoking small wins to produce innovation and creativity transitions us nicely into our next unique tactic to motivate your accounting staff (see tactic #2 below).

Tactic #2: Implement 1 Day of Employee Creativity

This idea has been thrown around the workplace, quite a few times and some outlets even have begun to call it: “The Google Way Of Motivating Employees”. By encouraging creativity in the workplace, thinking outside the box become a norm and your business will begin to flourish.

Dan Pink, a New York Times Bestselling Author of Drive, details out that the key to motivating employees is a healthy balance of autonomy, mastery, & purpose. Here is a quick video from Dan that showcases the science behind motivation in the workplace:

As you might have noticed in the video, Dan explained how an Australian software company Atlassian gave their developers one full day every quarter to do whatever they wanted. The only requirement was that the developers show their results at the end of those 24 hours.

Without the pressure of supervisor oversight or other project demands, Atlassian’s developers came up with a range of valuable new products and assets to benefit the company, like bug fixes for their software. And all they were given was 24 hours of autonomy.

So how can accounting firms implement a way for their employees to spark innovation and creativity at work?

Allow your employees to have 1 full day every quarter, during work hours, to do whatever they wanted.

Yes, just 1 day, out of the 90 days, to allow your employees the autonomy to choose what they want and how they want to spend their time during that day. Then, at the end of the day, request a meeting where your employees showcased what they worked on or did during those work hours.

“Management is great if you want compliance, but if you want engagement… self-direction is better.” – Dan Pink

Tactic #3: Host Bring Your Pets To Work Day

Allowing pets at the office can be beneficial to your company’s bottom line. Benefits of pets in the workplace include increased morale and productivity, happier employees, lower absenteeism rates and even improved relationships among co-workers.

And the best part of this tactic? It is actually backed by science. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), pets can decrease your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, triglyceride levels, and feelings of loneliness. They can also increase the opportunities for socialization (inside & outside of the workplace).

In a 2012 study hosted by Virginia Commonwealth University, employees who were around dogs in the workplace reported feeling less stressed than employees who have dogs but left them at home.

“The study proved what we always thought: Having dogs around leads to a more productive work environment, and people get to know each other through the pets,” says Lisa Conklin, Replacements public relations manager. “If you are in a position where something is stressful, seeing that wagging tail and puppy smile brightens the day–it can turn around the whole environment.”

Of course, the outcome of this study makes sense when you begin to think about the joy of walking around the corner and spotting a tiny Pomeranian prancing down the hallway. Pets inherently make most people happy and bring a sense of companionship to the office. With the reduction and stress and the increase in smiles, it is almost guaranteed that your office’s motivation levels will see a facelift, instantly.

Tactic #4: Invoke Emotion Into The Workplace

We all have emotions, that are unfortunately, suppressed most hours of the workday. The accounting workplace, in particular, is set up for formal conversations with a tiny bit of water cooler banter.

But what if you allowed your employees to showcase curiosity, joy, anxiety and even anger? What insight could that bring to leadership in understanding how to manage and motivate your accounting staff effectively?

“The greatest gift you can give another is the purity of your attention” – Richard Moss

To start off with, try requesting one-on-one meetings between leadership & staff (i.e. a partner and an associate) as well as individual meetings between peers (a senior & a senior). Host these meet-ups during a coffee break or provide a longer session with a lunch date.

During those meetings, talk about everything else except for work. Family, relationships, pets, passions, dreams, any conversation that brings life back into your team member.

This will provide a safe zone for the employee to express emotions and feel comfortable doing so. You will begin to learn more about the human behind the computer and really start to understand the driver behind your employee’s motivation.

Remember that a creative environment is a thriving one. Encourage creativity and watch your business flourish as thinking outside of the box becomes the norm.
Have any more unique tactics to motivate your accounting staff that has worked well for your firm?

Leave a comment below to share with the accounting community!

See Jetpack Worflow In Action

Get under the hood of Jetpack Workflow’s accounting workflow and project management platform. See some of the top features and how it helps your firm standardize, automate, and track client work more efficiently.

Communication is what makes you sure that your clients are getting what they need and that their expectations are exceeded. The lines of communication between you, your clients, and the accountants in your firm should be open and strong at all times in order to maintain effective CRM for accountants. Learn how you can strengthen the lines of communication among the colleagues and clients within your operation in order to improve client satisfaction and bring in new business.

Fill in the Spaces

Take a look at the way you currently communicate with your clients and colleagues. Recognize where the broken parts are in these lines and note them so that you can begin to fill in the spaces and repair what’s not working.

CRM for accountants is all about the relationships you maintain with your clients but these aren’t the only relationships that need to be managed within your firm. When communication is effective among your colleagues as well, everyone is on the same page. This provides a better way to service every client and keep new business after the first meeting.

Start a Conversation

Your long-time clients are used to a certain standard of service, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t do more for them. Start a conversation with your loyal clients about what they wish they could get from their accountants. Compile a list of the common desires and bring it to your colleagues.

Start a conversation with them about how everyone can make your clients’ wishes happen. Those long-time clients will be ecstatic about the new things you can do for them, which in turn gives them more reasons to rave about your services to those they know and bring you more business.

One-On-One Client Management

CRM for accountants is not just about managing several client relationships within your firm but also about the one-on-one relationships between each accountant and their individual clients. This is something you can keep of track of with the right client management software that lets you input client information and view it quickly. You’ll be able to keep up to date with each client and the accountant assigned to them without dealing with searching for extra documents by hand.

This saves time and allows everyone involved to be in the know so that if the accountant assigned can’t make a meeting for some reason, someone else can take over and still deliver the service expected by the client.

Manage Clients Across Multiple Firms

As your business grows, you’ll have more firms to manage and possibly across state lines or vast distances. Some of these clients will need to travel or may have requirements that call for the assistance of more than one accountant at different firms depending on where they happen to be. CRM for accountants and good communication between firms among your clients and colleagues allows that client to receive consistent service no matter which firm they go to for their needs.

With strong and open lines of communication, one accountant at a firm in a certain state can send the correct information to another accountant at a different firm and provide the necessary tools for the task at hand. Clients will never again have to worry if they’ll be taken care of correctly in an accounting emergency, if they move to another location, or if they’re traveling when they need an accountant.

Bring in New Business

Your firm flourishes when new clients come in and decide to keep coming back but this takes work and CRM for accountants is a large part of that. Each new client that an accountant from your firm brings in is a new relationship that must be properly and effectively maintained.

Managing these relationships should be a team effort that involves colleagues backing each other up in order to keep the client coming back. Good communication is the way this happens, which gives each accountant the tools to wow the client every time. Let your colleagues have what they need to help each other, help your clients, and do better with the right methods of communication and client relationship management.


See Jetpack Worflow In Action

Get under the hood of Jetpack Workflow’s accounting workflow and project management platform. See some of the top features and how it helps your firm standardize, automate, and track client work more efficiently.