Mark Wickersham, best-selling author and Founder of Pricing Secrets, spends his time helping CPAs and accounting professionals like yourself make sure you are charging enough for your accounting services.

90% of accounting professionals do not, Mark believes. That’s going to change today.

In this episode of Growing Your Firm Podcast, David Cristello and Mark Wickersham dive into:

  • How he quickly built up a client base using unconventional marketing methods
  • Where to find profit boosters in your current offerings
  • The 7 Steps to make sure you are charging enough for your accounting services


For Jetpack Workflow users, you can have Mark’s value based pricing checklist uploaded into your account (for free). Please contact support to have it uploaded into your account.

Mark’s First Firm Mistakes: 

Mark Wickersham started out as a chartered accountant who moved over to accounting. After 8 years of working under a firm banner, he decided to hang out his own shingle in 1996 — excited for a new adventure thinking it would be like working for a firm.

For the first few months, it felt natural to him and was exciting.

But, then the debt started growing. His client base grew fast but was out of his control. Overhead keep climbing…

His first few years he spent learning from his mistakes. One of his big mistakes?

He got the wrong type of clients! He didn’t have clients who were profitable. He was shooting for quantity over quality at first and it hurt.

How Mark Built Up A Client Base Fast: 

Mark grew to 200 clients and $200k in billings within the first 18 months…something unheard of for a first time entrepreneur. But, he was struggling to keep traction as the clients weren’t good clients. [200 clients at $200,000 is just $1000 per client per year…]

He was recording time sheets and working on getting the magical “70% chargeable rate” many accounting firms push for. Yet, it wasn’t working.

That’s when Mark found Michael Gerber and Chris Frederickson. What they taught was efficiency and marketing. Gerber taught: “Work on your business, not in it.” (something Mark struggled with). Frederickson taught him marketing strategies to attract the right type of clients.  At that time, Mark only focused on ‘technical’ skills, not business-growth skills.

That’s when he picked up Frederickson’s marketing strategies:

Marketing Strategies: 
1. Hire someone to do the administrative marketing pieces
2. Send 50 letters out each week
3. Follow up with a phonecall

With this strategy, Mark had 4 solid appt. each week with new prospects. That’s how he started attracting the clients he wanted.

DAVID’T TIP: For marketing, you need multiple touch points. Figure out the numbers as you go to how many times you need to “touch” a prospect before they agree to a meeting than to signing the dotted line.

90% Of Accounting Professionals Are Not Charging Enough For Accounting Services:

Are you not charging enough for your accounting services?

90% aren’t according to Mark.

Most just don’t know what to do and how to do it. Luckily, in this episode, Mark Wickersham lays out the golden path to pricing correctly when you are first starting out.

The first thing to look at is WHY? Why don’t accounting professionals charge enough?


We don’t like to hear “Oh, that’s too expensive.” It’s a punch to the gut. We, then, think all clients and prospects think like this and get into trouble undercharging.

What does Mark recommend to do in order to combat this instinct?

Look to get 25% of responses to be “That is too expensive.” When you stay around or below this percentage, you are charging the right amount. If not enough people are pushing back at your pricing…it’s too cheap.

On top of that, CPAs and accountants need to build their own confidence in getting paid what they’re worth. That just comes from practice over and over again.

Where To Find Profit Boosters In Your Current Offerings:

Firms are held back because, like Mark suffered through, they have too many clients. They look for as many clients as possible, even if the clients are worth little, and they don’t have anytime to nurture those clients. New clients get pushed onto the “list” and then forgotten.

You can make immediate changes right now and get results tomorrow.

Really, you can.

You need less clients and more profit from current clients. To start:

Look at your current offerings. Look at your current client list. I bet most of your clients don’t use all the services you provide. Some, because they don’t need the services. But others, THEY DON’T KNOW ALL YOUR SERVICES!

That’s right. They don’t know all the services provide. Even if you provide a mile-long list of services on your website, your clients are looking there for what they need. They expect you to show them what they need.

You need to approach them and offer your services. The best part: The worst thing the client will say is “No, thanks.” They aren’t going to fire you for offering to help them. No one does that.

Pricing Correctly Brings Windfall Profits:

The best way to make massive profits and be a value to your clients — offer them your services…then price correctly.

Let me get this off my chest: Fixed pricing is not the way to price. Value pricing is the most profitable way to price. Fixed pricing is just a form of hourly work. No. You must be value pricing to help your clients and help yourself.

Successful firms look at value to clients rather than the time you spent in your chair.

Here’s a quick way to start nailing value pricing:

  • During tax planning, look at your client’s books
  • Present to your client: “I can get you $100,000 in tax savings this year.”
  • To save you this amount, I’d charge $15,000 as a commission for finding these savings. What do you think?”

See how, when presented correctly, this is a no-brainer solution for the client?

Rather than the old approach: “Yes, it will be $150 per hour for your tax planning.”

The former presents the value to the client first. The latter just screams at the client “THIS COSTS MONEY, MONEY, MONEY!” (No one likes this feeling).

The best thing to prepare yourself for value pricing is have the right system in place. Mark provides his 7 steps for nailing pricing and making sure you are charging enough for your accounting services:

  1. Recognize every customer pays a different price: Some clients pay more than others. Don’t have fixed rates.
  2. Give clients “Menu Pricing:” Provide them ‘packages’ for every service they buy so they can feel like they’re picking what they want rather than “shown” what they need. Big companies use it all the time e.g. your cable and phone service bundles. When you are thinking over a proposal, think about “where can I provide value where they will be more than happy to pay?” rather than just looking for more revenue streams.
  3. Learn great communication skills: You could say “sales.” Learn how to tout benefits over features.
  4. Come up with a price based on the value created: Present it to client in this way
  5. Think about “How can I make the price seem small and insignificant?”: When you present “$100,000 in tax savings” for just $15k, the fee seems small in comparison.
  6. Make sure you know “how do I get paid?”: Clients respect your work and advice when they pay for it
  7. Use POWER Strategies: Use guarantees with your work if you don’t perform up to task. The more risk you take off the clients plate, the better. Much like when lawyers say “no pay unless we win the case.”

These are just some of the ways you can start getting the comp you deserve and doing less work as a result. Less stress for you!

Which of the ‘7 Steps’ by Mark Wickersham do you find is the most important?

See Jetpack Worflow In Action

Get under the hood of Jetpack Workflow’s accounting workflow and project management platform. See some of the top features and how it helps your firm standardize, automate, and track client work more efficiently.

When work starts to pile up and your CPA firm is becoming overwhelmed with business, the office and everyone working in it might have some issues with staying organized. If things slip through the cracks, clients are left unsatisfied, records go unfiled, and everyone loses money. You can use workflow software for accountants to create an office environment where no one is frustrated and clients are never forgotten due to disorganized paperwork.

Get Organized

As you look around the offices of your CPA firm, what do you wish worked a little better? You can have the best accountants working for you in a fully equipped office and still end up with some organizational problems. So, how to you get organized without completely overturning every desk?

  • Upgrade your software to eliminate unnecessary paperwork so it’s easier for everyone to keep track of assignments.
  • Use workflow software for accountants to manage your offices more efficiently and assign clients to the CPAs that will handle them best.
  • When you add new workflow software to your office, you and your CPAs will be able to search for clients and jobs in a snap, making it easy to find clients, who they’re assigned to, and what is being worked so when clients call, there is no delay in helping them.
  • File systems can easily become disorganized, especially when there’s no time to file anything and that’s also where a good search function comes in handy. You can find what you need right away and make notes in your assignments, to do lists, and set tasks to be sure you’ll always be able to find what you need and file it where it needs to go.

Train the Staff

Once you install your workflow software for accountants at your offices, you’ll have to change the way things are done a little bit and that doesn’t always go over well. The way you train your staff will set the stage for how well your new software helps keep your offices running.

  • Hold seminars when the software is first installed to give instruction to the most amount of people at once.
  • Encourage your employees to ask questions about the new way things will work and get help if they’re not adjusting well.
  • Provide individual support for anyone who needs it after the switch happens to prevent slip ups in the new system.
  • Monitor your employees’ work, especially in the initial launch of the software you use so you can catch mistakes before they become a problem.
  • Continue training periodically every time your software is updated and on a regular basis to be sure that everyone knows what they’re doing.
  • Ask clients to rate performance after the new software using surveys and comment cards to assess how it is affecting service to your clients.
  • Use surveys among employees as well to find out how they like using the new software and assess any problems with the system or issues with how the employees use it.

Choose the Software that Makes Your Office Great

Not every piece of workflow software for accountants is the same and some programs may be too much or two little for your CPAs and to make your office run the way you always hoped it would.

  • Talk to your CPAs about what they need. They’re the ones who will work with this software on a day to day basis so they will know very well what is necessary to make things run better.
  • Assess your office’s needs on your own as well. What areas do you wish worked better?
  • Take a look at your clients, projects, and cash flow and use those reports to see where you need more organization.

Do Your Research

Don’t pick the first thing you look at when it comes to the workflow software for accountants that you ultimately choose. Once you install the software and make the switch throughout your office, it will be very difficult to change it back if you don’t like the way things run or it’s too much change for your employees to handle. Take a look at JetPack Workflow for all of your CPA office needs and learn how you can create a better office environment today!


See Jetpack Worflow In Action

Get under the hood of Jetpack Workflow’s accounting workflow and project management platform. See some of the top features and how it helps your firm standardize, automate, and track client work more efficiently.
47 Lead Generation Tips for Accountants


Looking for Lead Generation Tips for Accountants?

Then this post is for you. Often times, lead generation can seem like a never-ending search in finding a channel that “just works”. While it may never be that simple, the list below can get you started in launching your first campaigns for generating accounting leads. Whether you’re a seasoned accountant with a huge client base, or you’re an accountant or in a CPA practice that is just getting started, the tips below can provide an extra lift to your marketing and lead generation efforts.

Pick a few, try them out, and be consistent. Dedicate not a single day, but a few weeks to running the campaign. Lead generation is a matter of consistent, value driven messaging and positioning to the marketplace. If you try something once, the chance of it succeeding is very small. However, consistent exposure and continual refinement can build you an accounting lead generation machine.


1) Your Picture: While “looks” may not be everything, a poor LinkedIn picture can be damaging for lead generation. After all, this is the first impression a prospect will have! No need to hire a professional photographer (if you want to, that’s fine too!), stand in front a plain wall, dress nicely, look at the camera (or iPhone), and smile! Try standing in front of a few different backgrounds (plain wall, exposed red brick, multi-color wall, etc). Be sure there’s good lighting in or outside (dim lights will destroy almost any decent picture).

2) Join LinkedIn Groups: Join LinkedIn Groups for your niche or target market. Post relevant articles (some of them might even be your own), and answer questions.

3) Use Search + InMail: If you know the kind of person you want to talk to, try searching for them (like CEO of companies between 1-10 employees) and using InMail to message them.

4) Check your existing connections: We often overlook just how powerful our network is. People change careers, move, or start their own business. We often assume these connections will remember our services, but in this noisy, information-rich world, that’s no longer the case! Look at your existing network, especially on LinkedIn, to see if there’s any clients or prospects you could connect with.

5) Ask your connections for intros: It’s quite possible the perfect people to talk to aren’t already a connection, but they may be one degree away. Don’t be afraid to ask connections you have a good relationship with for an intro.

6) Post to the LinkedIn Social Network: LinkedIn now has status updates you can post. It’s a lot less active than other networks, but it can’t hurt to see if anyone notices. Just like LinkedIn Groups, I recommend posting helpful articles or links (to your own website or other).

7) Run LinkedIn Ads: LinkedIn is the network for professionals and their careers. If your practice or firm has them as the target customer (say marketers or executives), then an alternative to the high maintenance of LinkedIn Groups can be to run ads. LinkedIn also has a partner network for a lot of business content sites which can further the reach. There’s a great guide to LinkedIn Ads on Neil Patels blog here.

8) Optimize Your Profile: There are a couple of simple tweaks to your profile to make it more attractive for a prospect. First, your main LinkedIn “headline”. You want it to be descriptive, but also benefit-driven. For example, let’s say I’m a partner at ABC Firm, which specializes in construction. My headline might read “Helping Construction Companies Maximize Cashflow | Partner at ABC Firm”. This is so any prospect can immediately understand who I serve and what I do, along with my official title.

9) Adding Testimonials to your Summary: I’m a huge fan of testimonials and social proof, as it can dramatically increase the speed of which a prospect will view you as credible. Put testimonials in your summary (and even in the “work description” under your company), so that when a prospect scrolls your profile, they see the testimonials about your firm and your service.  

10) Adding Links on Your Profile: This could really be “step 1” in everything. If someone does not know, or is not directly, to email you, call you, or go to your website, you’re losing leads. The alternative is “hoping” they will Google your name, then hoping your name shows up along your firm website, then going to the website, reading the information, AND then contacting you. I would even create a page called to direct visitors to, with a special white paper they could download or setup a consultation.


11) Create Your Facebook Page: This is the cornerstone of launching Facebook efforts, because not only does it give you the ability to post, but (more importantly) it gives you the ability to create specific landing pages inside of Facebook, as well receive additional advertising options. To get a simple (yet professional) design setup, you can use the design resources at

12) Run Targeted Facebook Ads: The ever growing and evolving Facebook ad platform is one of the most powerful paid channels online. Did you know you can upload a list of current client emails, have Facebook create a “look alike” audience (i.e. finding people exactly like them) and you can send ads directly to them? Or perhaps you want to target a specific niche. You can select the pages that community follows, and send ads specifically to that community (for only 50 cents a click, on average).

13) Look up your friends: For most people, their closest people in their life now and in the past are on Facebook. If you haven’t already exhausted your existing network on LinkedIn, definitely look to see if any of your friends are in the market and worth talking to.

14) Look for Fan Pages: There are fan pages for just about anything you can think of. People that run those pages in your market are great people to talk to both as potential customers and to see if they’ll post something on your behalf on their page. Friends who have leveraged this have found it cheaper than Facebook ads, even when they pay.


15) Ask your followers: If you have any kind of follower base at all, you should definitely tweet about you and your service. However, a good rule of thumb is that for every tweet about your company, create 4-5 that are 100% value driven and educational. If you don’t have a big follower base, ask the people with bigger followings you’re friends with to retweet you.

16) Ask your followers for referrals: If you know of a following that is a good fit for your service (they might even be a client), asking for a referral on Twitter works the same as LinkedIn, email, or any other form.

17) Run Twitter Ads: Twitter ads can be a cheap way to reach people you’d never know otherwise. You can target specific locations, areas, or followers or specific accounts. Hubspot gives a great overview of setting up your first Twitter ad here

18) Search for relevant Hashtags: Hashtags are a big part of Twitter for many markets. For example, in the analytics market, there’s #Measure. Find accounts using the hashtag and reach out to them and join the conversations happening. Find relevant hashtags by asking others or checking out sites like Examples could be #1040 #tax or #taxquestion


19) Talk to Youtube Channel owners: Youtube is filled with creators making content on all kinds of markets. If you go to Youtube’s channel search, you can search for your category and see who has channels and how many subscribers they reach. You can then interview them, reach out, or even ask to sponsor a show.

20) Starting Your Own Channel: Just like blogging, or email, a Youtube channel can be a great source of leads and traffic. However, it does require more time and consistent action to get the best results. Josh Braule hit on a huge need by launching his “How to fill out” video series. Most accountants and CPA firms would’ve assumed this topic was completely tapped out, but Josh created a video, and with almost zero promotion, has over 30,000 views.

21) Youtube Ads: Youtube ads are quickly becoming one of the most popular ways to advertise online. With an ever growing (and engaged) community, Toutube is a great place to launch an ad campaign. Here’s a great overview of launching your first youtube ad campaign.


22) Know your keywords: The core of understanding and setting up your Adwords is knowing which keywords you want to rank for (and which ones you don’t. Also known as “negative keywords”). You can use google’s keyword planner or to build a baseline of keywords. However, if you’re an accountant that targets a specific area, you can target the basic “Accountant + townname” across the board and have a good foundation.

23) Create a landing page and Offer: This is a rookie mistake… spending lots of money driving traffic to your basic website. Where there’s content, but not all of it is useful for the visitor. This creates high bounce rates (i.e. they leave), and you waste precious marketing dollars. What you want to do is create a landing page offer that matches the keyword you’re targeting, and have a specific “call to action” on the page to download a PDF, view a video, or request a consult.

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24) Set a budget and be careful: Once you got an offer page and a set of keywords, make sure to set a daily, weekly, or monthly budget… and measure your results (this is a huge benefit of having a specific landing page). Although you can also track in Google Analytics the conversion rate. I recommend a budget of at least $500.00 to test over a few weeks. If the average click is $3.00, then you can receive roughly 166 clicks, and determine what the close rate is of the people who opt in. If 10% opt in, and 1% of opt ins hire you for $800, your ad campaign just had an ROI of $300 (immediately), and then any ongoing services and future work is pure profit.

Search Engines

25) Title Tags: If you scroll over the “tab” of your website, the text that appears is considered your “title tag”. This is a big factor in how Google (Bing, Yahoo), will “Tag” your website. Having a good title tag certainly doesn’t guarantee a top spot in the search rankings, but having a poor title tag will make it extremely hard to get there. So, for example, let’s take ABC Firm, located in Pittsburgh, PA. The title tag should read “Pittsburgh Accountants & Tax Advisors. ABC Firm”. Notice how the things I want to be ranked for come first, then the company name. It’s also important that the title tag is less than 70 characters, as anything more will not be picked up by Google.

26) Back Links: Another signal a search engine will use is how many other sites link to yours. I do recommend “buying” links but instead set up a few basic profiles on local business directories (list here). Setting up 10 basic profiles with links will put you ahead of 75-80% of your competition in terms of future search engine rankings.

27) Social Shares: While obsessively posting on social media can be a huge waste of time, I do recommend sharing every article you post on Google Plus, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. The reason is that “social shares” also contribute to high search engine rankings.

28) Content: While content is the last thing listed, it’s perhaps the #1 thing you can be doing to improve search engine rankings. Ongoing, in-depth, valuable articles and blog posts can be the quickest path to a surge in traffic, leads, and new clients. I recommend at least one new each week, whether you write it or hire a company to write them for you. Just make sure it’s high quality, sharable content.


29) Creating Content: The first hurdle, and where many of us get stuck… is simply creating the content. Where to start? What to write about? How to write about it? When we interviewed Edward Mendlowitz, he had an incredible system of when anyone client asked him a question, he turned it into an article. After doing this year after year, he’s built an amazing resource center of content! Other ways could be looking at groups, forums, and even book reviews to see what common hurdles, obstacles, or questions your target market faces, and then putting that into a blog post.

30) Distribution: Now that you’ve created the content, now comes part 2, which is equally as important (IE Do NOT skip this step)… distribution. This includes your email list, relevant bloggers, relevant social media profiles, publications, client, coworkers, social media… anything or anyone that could be interested in the article. I would recommend reaching or sharing the content with at least 10 sources.


31) Autoresponders: Creating a basic autoresponder series can be the difference of converting 1% and converting 4-6%. The put that in real numbers, instead of getting 1 client out of 100, you’d get 4! or even 6 from that same marketing or lead generation efforts. When we interviewed tax pro marketer Nate Hagerty, we covered the importance of having a basic autoresponder sequence setup.

32) Newsletters: Most accounting firms and accountants have a newsletter, but unfortunately they often fail in two critical ways. 1) They’re not sent often enough and 2) the content isn’t good. I recommend sending a weekly email, as long as the content you’re sharing is valuable, will help your client, and will grow their business, budget, manage expenses, etc. If you’re nervous about weekly emails, then I would recommend at least a biweekly engagement/email to your list to maintain and nurture the relationship.

33) Signatures:  Finally, setting up a basic email signature can be a nice (and simple) way to encourage and promote content, services, whitepapers, or anything else you’d want to promote. I recommend having a simple CTA, such as “Are you making these 5 cash flow mistakes?” which links to a whitepaper or article. This takes a random email and turns it into a great, valued added campaign in which someone can start interacting with your content and marketing material.


34) Chamber Meetings: Local chamber meetings can be a great way to meet local business, build referrals, and learn more about the needs of the community.

35) Meetup Groups: is a website where anyone can host a “meetup” around any topic. There are a lot of meetups in each and every city, and chances are, your market already has one. If they don’t, you could even start one 🙂

36) BNI: Some accountants swear by BNI, which a referral group that meets regularly and has an agreement to use each other as a referral source. There is a fee involved,  but the benefit is that they do not allow any competitors in a single group.

37) Business Journals: Finally, reviewing local newspapers and business journals can be a great way to see upcoming events outside of meetups, chamber meetings, etc.


38) Attending your Target Market’s Conference: While this might seem strange, keep this in mind: At this conference, you will most likely little or zero competition. In fact, you might even be able to get in for free if you offer to give a free financial workshop for (Target market). So not only do you get in for free, but now you’re put on stage and seen as the financial expert.


39) Systems: Whether it’s a simple email signature, a weekly outreach event, a phone call, or even asking in person, you need a system that you know can be used to build referrals and reviews. This could be a post-tax season survey + review, or pre-tax workshop or whitepaper your clients can share with relevant parties. The ultimate question is, how are you making your service, firm, or practice more shareable and referable?   

40) Incentivized: This is a more straightforward approach, which is to simply give your clients an incentive for bringing in new clients. This could be a discount their service, or even better, small redemptions for new clients as a thank you. These could be gift cards, restaurant or movie gift cards, etc.

Direct Mail

41) Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM): With every door direct mail, which is run through the postal service (!), you can target a specific “section” in any area. The benefit, and reason why it’s so cheap compared to normal direct mail, is that you get a large flyer distributed to every home in a specific block or area. So if you’re targeting a specific income level, or area, you can send a large flyer to them for roughly 15 cents per flyer. Few accountants, chartered accountants, or CPA practice or firms know about this, so it could be a huge channel for your firm!

42) Listing Buying: On the other end of EDDM is targeted list buying, which can also be profitable. The more specific, targeted, and well researched your list is, the better. Then crafting the initial letter and sending up the follow ups (note: if you go this route, I HIGHLY recommend doing a “3 step” letter, meaning you’re sending 3 letters, spread over 10 days, to maximize your response.


43) Headline: When someone lands on your website, what is the first piece of content they see? Is it a generic “Welcome”? Or is it scattered everywhere across the webpage? The importance of a clear, benefit-driven headline cannot be understated. Much like a newspaper or a magazine, your website headline is what helps skim readers (*hint, almost all that visit will be skim readers!) know if they should continue to invest their time reading. Just remember, your website is competing for the attention of your prospect, and in doing so, competes against ALL social media, news, sports, and every other website on the internet. Be specific, and be clear.

44) Lead Capture: Not everyone is going to be ready to “contact you today!” Which is why you need lead capture by means of giving away high-quality content in exchange for an email address. Once you have the email address, you can use your autoresponder sequence to drip out value-driven content, until that prospect is ready to make a decision (and when they do, you come to mind immediately 🙂

45) Testimonials: Adding a testimonial can be one of the most effective ways to build trust and credibility. We recommend putting a testimonial on every single page, with a picture, and the name of the person who gave it. I also recommend, in bold, the biggest benefit that person received from your service.

46) Navigation: Having simple, easy to read tabs and font is critical for keeping someone on your website. Nothing can turn someone off faster than a confusing layout, making it difficult to actually find the content they need or want to read. Keep a basic 4-7 tabs at the top, and make sure this is the “primary” highly sought after content on your website. Do not prioritize all content equally.

47) Call to Action: Finally, having a clear “call to action” is critical for converting visitors into prospects. To put it simply, a call to action is a specific instruction (that is clearly labeled) on what you want to the visitor to do next. It could be to schedule a consultation, watch a video, subscribe to the blog, etc. Whatever is, what is very, very obvious is what you want the visitor to do (remember, your visitors and prospects are BUSY. Don’t put the burden on them to figure out your website). Want to learn more on building an ROI driven accountant website? We have an extended post here

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What is Client Management Software?

Client management software is a way to centralize, manage and track all your client information. Simply put, it’s the “hub” of your critical client information, whether you are an accountant, CPA, bookkeeper, tax professional or any other professional service firm. 

Now, client management sits on top of a core database (which is why it can also be referred to as “client database software”). If you’re really curious on how a database works, here’s a great article, but let’s move on, shall we? 

As you explore client management tools, keep in mind that you are looking for a “source of record” application. This is the single point of truth about the client. It should be the critical cornerstone of your technology stack. In theory, you should be able to fit all software purchases into two categories, one is called a “Source of Record”, and another for “Source of Action”.

Since there are a few different types of client management platforms, let’s explore the differences between the two major ones, Client Relationship Management (CRM) vs Client Management Software. 

Client Relationship Management vs Client Management Software


Client Relationship Management (CRM)

CRM’s are typically sales focused, and that is apparent in the common features in most CRM’s, such as sales forecasting reports, auto phone dialers to call prospects, and deep integrations with marketing and lead platforms. While you can store a lot of client data in these systems, they are less than ideal because the feature set is typically very limited for client driven firms (that do not care as much about sales functionality). 

When you think of CRM, Salesforce is the market leader, followed by a number of major players such as Oracle and Microsoft.


Client Management Software (CMS)

Client management software is less about “sales pipeline” and more about the ongoing management of the client relationship. Client management software can go by many titles, such as client contact software or customer management software. However, they are referring to the same goal: one source of record and a single place to manage and track your client work. 

Instead of sales pipeline management, you’ll see things like team collaboration, project management, and due date tracking software as core features.

Properly implementing client management software can have a huge impact on your bottom line. 

“A survey conducted by Carnegie Mellon found that when organizations become better at project management, key performance metrics significantly increase. Scheduling adherence rises 50 percent. Productivity can improve by over 60 percent.”


In addition to the productivity boost, using proper client management systems will also increase the quality of the work:

“….Then there is the quality consideration, the number of defects can be reduced by 80%”

William M. Thom – MISM, PMP

And it’s critically important that these investments protect one of your firm’s greatest assets, which is your actual relationship with your clients. 

Your clients are the core of unlocking not only an amazing sense of work fulfillment, but profitability as well. One customer experience agency found loyal customers are 5x as likely to repurchase, 5x as likely to forgive, 4x as likely to refer, and 7x as likely to try a new offering.

Now that we have an understanding what client management software is and the major benefits you can receive from it, let’s dive into finding the best client management software for your firm or practice. 

Finding the right fit

While there are 100 variables in finding the perfect tool for you firm, let’s explore 7 key pillars to determine the best platform for you. Even though businesses often start with price (do we go with free client management software or paid?), this is the wrong way to approach a major investment in your firm (even free has a price of time investment). 

With that, here’s the criteria: 

  1. Goal 
  2. Utility 
  3. Familiarity 
  4. Support and Service  
  5. Price
  6. Ongoing investments 
  7. Understanding your industry

Let’s break them down: 


Simply put, what do you hope to achieve through a client management software system? Why are you looking at tooling now? If you were to fast forward 12 months after you setup the new platform, what would success look like? 

It’s important to take a step back and be reflective on this investment. While you do not want to go into “analysis paralysis” and stall an important decision, understanding the basic success criteria will make the process significantly easier.


What do you actually need the client management system to solve? For example, are team collaboration, recurring due date management, manager reporting, or document upload important? What do you need inside a client profile? When in doubt, you can also start a free trial to explore the existing utility of an application, or ask the vendor for their top 10 features.


This comes down to understanding the software. Are you able to easily navigate through the tool. Does it “make sense” to how  your think about your firm? If you’re unsure of which tools “make sense” to you, think to what tools you use daily (spreadsheets, calendar, email) as a starting point of layouts you enjoy or understand. 

Support and Service: 

This is perhaps the most overlooked “feature” of a tool, but it quickly becomes one of the most important aspects of being successful inside of a new client management project management software. While we never *expect* to reach out to support, it happens 99% of the time. It’s important to ask (or better yet, test) the support of the client 


Of course, price is important. At some point, the price tag doesn’t yield an adequate ROI. There’s many different perspectives on “how to price”, but for most platforms, the price is based on number of clients or number of “users” (or logins).

The best client management software for your firm is one that requires an investment (let’s get on the same page and agree that “free” is often the most expensive option!), but gives your firm a ROI that is 3-10X greater than the investment (imagine that type of return on your 401K!). 

Ongoing investments: 

This looks at how active the vendor is at building and evolving their client management system. Are they listening to your feedback? Have they updated the software in the last 90 days? It’s critical you align with a vendor that is still investing in the product, or else it will become obsolete in a few years (and you have to start the whole process over) 

Industry knowledge: 

Last but not least, is the software setup or flexible enough to meet the needs of your firm and industry? How much customization or duct tape will you need to add to “bend” the software to your setup (it’s very rare that any tool will match your firm “perfectly”, but it also shouldn’t require extensive “duct taping” and wrangling to fit your firm). 

Start with the end in mind

With all the ways in which you could assess the right client management software for your business, it’s important to start with your ultimate goal and work your way backwards from there. What problems are you currently having managing client data and touchpoints? How do you want your team to use it? How quickly can you get it integrated into your everyday workflow? Starting here, and keeping laser-focused on those priotities, will help you arrive at the right choice. 

Interested in giving Jetpack Workflow a try? 

See Jetpack Worflow In Action

Get under the hood of Jetpack Workflow’s accounting workflow and project management platform. See some of the top features and how it helps your firm standardize, automate, and track client work more efficiently.

In your CPA firm, you want things to run as efficiently as possible so you can keep clients happy and keep employees from buckling under stress. Workflow software for accountants can help automate some aspects of your system and organize client lists, jobs, and all other pieces of the puzzle that is each client, making them all easier to read and manage for everyone involved.

Choosing Your Software

There are all kinds of workflow software for accountants and choosing the right one is an important part of increasing productivity at your CPA firm. Be sure to carefully assess your needs before you make your decision.

Consider your employees and what they know about the technology they use. If a large percentage of the CPAs at your firm are more technologically advanced, you won’t need an incredibly user-friendly program, and you’ll be able to choose something that can be catered to your needs specifically.

What features can’t you do without? You may need something dynamic that incorporates client lists, project management, and detailed task management that can all be monitored by a supervisor or you may only need a simple task management program. These features help you decide how intricate of a program you’ll need.

Does your program need to integrate with the e-mail client your CPAs use? You may want your employees to be able to e-mail about projects straight from the workflow software, and not all programs do that. Find out if you want and/or need this before you make a decision.

You may need a few of these features or all of them, and there are programs to suit your needs no matter what those may be. Before you shop around, make an assessment, so you don’t end up missing something important after you’ve already bought your software.

Utilize Your Workflow Software for Accountants in the Office

Once you get your software, you’ll have to integrate into the day to day of how your CPA firm works. Everyone will have to use it in order for a new system to work properly and achieve peak efficiency. Learn to utilize your software the right way, and help everyone do better for you and your clients.

#1 Familiarize everyone with the software that you choose. Your employees won’t be able to utilize the new software if they have no idea how it works. Hold a training seminar or provide one on one help sessions in order to ensure that everyone knows about each feature and how it contributes to increasing productivity.

#2 Double check file transfers, client list transfers, and e-mail correspondence when you first make your new workflow software for accountants live. You’ll be able to make sure employees understand how to do so as well as feel confident that everything is running smoothly.

#3 Set up jobs which are already in place to get them into the system first. This will help your accountants get started and get going faster because they’ll be able to start working with the new system immediately. Use this step as a teaching method in conjunction with step 1. Your employees will be able to see how it’s done and get going with what they already have on their dockets.

#4 Schedule new tasks with the system and keep the good flow rolling. Efficiency begins with the setup, but it takes follow through to flourish so give your employees the tools they need to succeed by scheduling a few new tasks with the management software you’ve just implemented. They’ll be able to see how it works and get used to the new system more quickly.

#5 Monitor and automate your new system. Use your new software to monitor tasks and jobs being worked on and automate e-mail digests, so you and everyone in the office stays on point. You’ll be able to see what has been done and what needs to be done for the day and future dates in one easy to read flow.

Follow Through

New workflow software for accountants can be a big change for any office that is difficult to transition everyone into using. Follow up with employees to make sure everyone understands and provide technical support for those who don’t. Jetpack Workflow has all the features you need in a user-friendly interface that is easy for everyone to learn. Take a look at how this software can help you increase productivity in your office with a smooth transition for everyone!

See Jetpack Worflow In Action

Get under the hood of Jetpack Workflow’s accounting workflow and project management platform. See some of the top features and how it helps your firm standardize, automate, and track client work more efficiently.
Performance level

Welcome to the free course called “Marketing Fast Track: Marketing for Accountants”

Over the course of the next few weeks, we’re going to cover the foundations of highly effective marketing.

And instead of giving you a bunch of tactics (i.e: You need social media, you need Adwords, you need {insert new shiny object here}), we’re going to present the strategy and foundation of great marketing (don’t worry, you’ll get some tactics too!). And you can determine how it’s implemented 🙂

Now if you read this and say “But I HATE Marketing, and someone else does that anyways…”.

Let me say this… If you are the owner or partner, you’re responsible for the firm’s success. That means you have full responsibility of all that is good and bad in your practice.

If you hire an agency to do marketing, and they don’t deliver, it’s on you.

If you hire a marketing director, and results don’t come in (and instead giant expenses come in!), it’s on you.

Just like legal, cash flow, systems, and operations… marketing is part of the lifeblood of your practice.

In this course, we’re going to show you, for free, the foundation of effective marketing.

You can determine whether to implement it or not, but I guarantee you won’t regret what you will learn in this course.

I‘ve had many colleagues say this stuff should not be free, because free typically means people won’t value it. 

For now, if you’re reading this, it’s completely free. It’s yours to use or ignore.

One day it might become a paid course, but for now, it’s all yours.

Study the lessons to follow.

Implement and ask questions.

Share with colleagues and coworkers.

With this information, you’re going to gain more control, effectiveness, and strength when it comes to the actual growth of your practice. 

As I mentioned earlier, even if you’re not responsible for “marketing”, this information will save you a tremendous amount of time, money, and effort with whoever you decide to hire (whether it’s a staff member, agency, etc).

To give you an idea of what’s in store, here’s the outline for the course:

  1. Lesson One: Setting Your Marketing Foundation
  2. Lesson Two: How to Write and Speak in a Way that Connects
  3. Lesson Three: No More Guessing! How to Use Numbers in Your Marketing
  4. Lesson Four: Websites that Work (5 Elements that Make Websites Convert Visitors)
  5. Lesson Five: Where to Find Leads Part 1
  6. Lesson Six: Where to Find Leads Part 2
  7. Lesson Seven: Where to Leads Part 3
  8. Lesson Eight: Referral Systems
  9. Lesson Nine: Putting it Into Practice

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(PS: If you haven’t subscribed to the blog, click the image below to get first notice of each lesson)

See Jetpack Worflow In Action

Get under the hood of Jetpack Workflow’s accounting workflow and project management platform. See some of the top features and how it helps your firm standardize, automate, and track client work more efficiently.